Do not miss

The daughter church in Štós

Services: 9:30am, on every 2nd Sunday in a month.

Services are also held on specific holidays. You can get more information either at the parish office or directly in Štós.

The evangelic church in Štós originally consisted of German believers. However, after the 2nd World War it ceased to function as a self-sufficient fellowship and was alternately operated by the churches in Košice and Mníška nad Hlincom. After the creation of Košice – Terasa church Štós became its daughter church. Štós is 40km by car west of Košice and is the only evangelical church of A.V. between Košice and Rožňava.

The church in Štós has roughly 60 believers of all ages. There is a strong family atmosphere. You are heartily welcomed among us here, whether you are a visitor of the spa in Štós or just randomly passing by.

You can find further information on their website, in the “church section“– “cirkev


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